Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Toileting Tuesday

Thank goodness, I did not have my camera handy because this would have made you all DIE from extreme laughter!!

Picture this: I was bored to death in a tax and ethics real estate class all day at the Hilton hotel in North Charleston. My noon, I was about to bust and had to pump. I had planned to go to Sabrina's office, but our morning session ran over, so i didn't have time to leave the premises to pump. Option one was to pump in the hotel parking lot. Option two--the ladies room.

There was a Sherwin Williams class also there and about 100 guys running around the hotel, parking lot, etc. Parking Lot option seemed shady.

Ladies room--at least, it was all ladies. I figured, it was lunch time, so hopefully the other classes would be adjorning and people would be leaving for lunch. Big mistake to make such a crazy assumption. What I did not know was that some big ladies group (who had really small name tags) were meeting at the Hilton to have a luncheon. And of course, they had to go to the bathroom before eating .

So, here I am, attached to the pump and sitting on the floor in the handicapped stall. Luckily, the bathroom had just be remodeled and was spotless. I swear I could have eaten off the floor. My extension cord was hooked into the outlet, slung past 5 stalls and going into the handicapped stall. All you could hear was w-a-k, w-a-k, w-a-k.

Yep, I am dedicated to my beloved boys. Pumping in the bathroom to get them milk to drink. Here's to Wednesday--thankfully, I will be back at work and my private pumping room in the nursery!!!


Jessi said...

Mom is visiting me right now and we are laughing so hard!!! We love you and think you are such an amazing woman and devoted mother! When can we come visit?! :)


Jessi & Aunt Micki

Courtney said...

Good for you, Liz! That is dedication!!!

Unknown said...

I found very creative ways to pump while on the road! Remind me to tell you the story of a Wendy's parking lot, a too tired mom after a long work day to care, being 2 hours from home, and a pump that decided to explode.....You are so good to keep at it!!!!