Monday, December 20, 2010

Rain and Cold Go Away!!

The rain and cold must go away soon! We are getting desperate for some good ole outside weather and the boys are getting really tired of each other!!!
Taylor and Turner fighting and hitting one another during a "water day" activity. Folks, when it is cold and rainy, you get desperate for fun tasks!! This "water day" daytime activity was sure desperation that turned bad!!!

Who said that you can't ride bikes inside? Those people must not have twin toddler boys!!! (Just for fun, please take special note of the tornado that had hit our house!!! Seriously, they trashed our house and we have the photos to prove it!!!)

I mean trashed the house!! This is the funniest part. Anytime you ask, "who ...." They blame each other. Here is Taylor blaming Turner on all the coats being pulled down from the closet.

Who doesn't love seeing this type A mommy's house have pillows and blankets galore thrown everywhere? The smile on Taylor's face was worth it all.

Look at sweet ole Turner giving his favorite "monk" a ride on his new bike. Too bad you could not have seen the boys dragging these 12 packs from the pantry! Why is trashing the house so much fun??

Sunday, December 19, 2010

Chef Taylor

Our little chef loves to help mommy cook in the kitchen!!! They cook at school and he kept asking, so we thought we would try it!!!Cake for his school's party!!!

"uh oh!!!"

Taylor whipped the eggs into the mix like it was his paying job!!! He would say "egg", put it in the batter and say "egg" while looking back at daddy for approval. Sweet ole kid. When I asked Turn if he wanted to help he said "noooooooo" in his sweet voice.

Licking the bowl was his favorite. Wonder if this is why he has a new love for cooking?


" More cake." Lord friends, we might have created a Cake monster!!!!

Early Christmas Present: Strider bikes!!

Mommy and daddy could not wait to give T and T their "big" present!! We figured that because they have been such good boys, that Santa will be bringing them lots of stuff, so why not?? Thanks daddy for the great idea and for buying them!!! We love our daddy!!!

Turner is a little hesitant on his Strider bike. So, how do they work? They are bikes with no pedals so they will learn to balance first. They use their tricyle to pedal and their strider bikes to learn how to balance. In no time, they will be riding big boy bikes with no need for training wheels!!
Taylor is in love!!!

"uh oh"...first of many falls!!!

Turner: " Uh oh. Dirty mommy. Clean hands."

Mount Pleasant Parade

Even the wind and cold didn't keep us away, at least for a little bit! Here are a few snapshots of the Mt. P Parade with the Kruse and Ruge families!!!
Daddy and Turner checking out the pre-parade fireworks!!!

Mommy and her boys!!! It was so, so cold, my friends!!!
Davis and Taylor playing on the curb!

Taylor loved the parade with mommy. He loved the "yellow boat" (sea tow boat). Meanwhile, Turner and daddy sat in the car and watched a movie. Turner kept pulling my hand, saying "Bye bye mommy. Go mommy." Thank you, daddy for taking Turner into the warm car!!

Aquarium with Cousins

Carrie and I were pumped! Sister outing with the kids in the new highlander. I love the third seat!!! I double love that Taylor was freaking out that his cousins were in the back! Bless my high spirited child (Taylor) and his chilled brother (Turner). Turner famously has been scolding his brother for whining...." No Tay!"

Getting ready to leave the parking garage for the run in the rain to the aquarium!!

Taylor trying to pull a fast one, climbing into the creek at the Aquarium.

Turner loving the moving bridge!!

John 5 and Savannah loving the big ole shrimp boat!!!

Two peas in a pod...Turner and John 5 driving the boat!

Sweet Savannah chilling in her rocking chair.


Mommy: "Who wants a snack?"
Taylor : "Me do"

Barnes and Noble

Our new thing is to hit the Barnes and Noble train center. I have no idea why it is so entertaining since we have several train stations at home, but they love it!!! Turner playing with Thomas and his tender. Bad hair day because of his winter cap!!!

T and T staring at an adorable little girl.

Puzzles galore!!!

Sunday, December 12, 2010


Simply Scarlet Chic Christmas
Turn your pictures into personalized Christmas cards.
View the entire collection of cards.

Sunday, December 5, 2010

Turner's fall

This was the calm after the storm photo. Turner woke at 6 am on Saturday, a little grumpy. Can't blame him. Mommy was tired, in need of coffee and just worn down too. His milk had been finished, his movie was over and evidently, he decided to climb onto the table and push play for a re-play (we are assuming...) to get his movie started when...crash, wail, piercing screams!!! He pulled the table, old HUGE tv on top of himself!!! By the time I got to him, he was face down pinned to the floor with all that weight on his left leg/ankle/foot. After consulting with my sister and a good friend who is an orthopedic PA, we decided to wait it out since it was not swollen and he started to bare weight on it.

By Sunday am, he was still limping and tearful without Motrin, so Turner and mommy headed to the urgent care for an xray.
Turner waiting in the Urgent Care/ER with monkey.

Another "calm before the storm".....many tears, swats at the doctors, attempted to hobble away, we had xrays and saw the doctor.
Typical pose from our visit. Mad Turner trying to escape from the doctor's.
Bottom line: We are thankful to report that they think it was just a small fracture to the fibula. No cast, brace, just "light duty". Thankfully, he is cautious of it anyways and takes it easy while limping around. As long as he has the Motrin in, he appears to deny the pain. He is moving around more and more each hour, so hopefully, the worse is behind us. So, a full day of movies with monkey it is!!! : )

Santa visits Roper Hospital

Boo and mommy took T and T to see Santa. One "ok" picture later, these are all the photos I got. A good time was had by all though.

Boo and Turner coloring on Santa.

Taylor eating cookies (go figure!) and about to take off running!!!

Boo, Taylor, Mommy and Turner. Poor Turner was feeling under the weather (see later post) from a fall he took earlier in the day and was very sensative.

Wednesday, December 1, 2010

He's back....

We will see how the boys react to his presence in the morning. I am certain that Turner will be the first to see him. Every morning, he is eager to go downstairs to watch a "mooovie" and drink his milk! We have been reading the "Elf on the Shelf" book for the past few nights, but neither one are really into it. Though mommy loves it! Still brings tears to my eyes at the excitement we have coming our ways. Cheers, my friends!!!