Sunday, May 3, 2009

May Day weekend

Our favorite babysitter, Emily, came over for both Saturday night and Sunday afternoon. Emily saved the day on both occasions. Mommy and daddy enjoyed a night out with Aunt Sabrina and her man friend, Jeff. Meanwhile, Emily kept the fort in order and took FABULOUS care of the boys. Here is Turner enjoying some 1:1 time with Em, while Taylor napped.
Em and Turner playing--and yes, as you all can see, they LOVE her. Em, we will miss you so much this summer! You know our place is always here if you need a "twin fix". After your summer job, our house will look easy. LOL.
Boo and the boys shopping at Tanger Outlet Mall on Saturday. The poor boys were so hot that when we ran into Aunt Sabrina, they just stared at her as if she were a total stranger. Maybe it was that USC shirt? Go DAWGS!!!

And the most interesting part of our shopping experience was when mommy and a fiesty 85 year old almost got in a fight with a Hispanic lady , who pretended to not know English. Mommy and Boo were in line, unloading their stuff at Sam's. Poor Boo was pushed out of the way, as this Hispanic lady thought she could break in line. And yes, there were 5 other's behind us , with the 85 year old directly behind us.Oh, you know me. She was not going to cut Boo off and get away with it. I started off politely asking her to back up with her goods. She kept saying "it's ok" , as she loaded her food in front of Boo's. I kept saying, "no, it is not ok". There was about to be a fight between an irritated mother of two, when out of nowhere, the 85 year old lady appeared. Before i knew it, she was screaming at the Hispanic lady, telling her to "back up" and taking the Hispanic lady's stuff off the line and throwing it back in her cart. Thankfully, a manager witnessed the chaos, along with all of the spectators, and took the Hispanic lady to the back of another line. Of course, the boy's were all wide eyed at the action. (Naturally, I was going to get a photo for the BLOG, but was too busy moving my lips with choice words.) Lesson learned: Learn the spanish words for "back up lady!"
Here is a typical Gan photo opportunity. Gan will put anything on the roof or back of his Lexis. Earlier, it was a Christmas tree. Whoops, that flew off on the Connector. Years before that, it was porch furniture and many years before that, a mattress!!! Anyone who needs some used furniture, just tail Gan too closely as he speeds down the highway and flying furniture will soon be yours!!! Thanks Gan for dropping off that nasty stroller. Mommy got overzealous in her wee pregnancy days and bought this stroller from a friend. Needless to say, it didn't work for us, so it was time to say bye-bye! Good news--Mommy got 5$ more than she paid for it at a consignment store and the boys got new toys with it!!!
Poor Turner wanted to play with Boo so badly, but was sick with a fever. Poor Turner. You know it is not like him to sit so still.

1 comment:

emboogie said...

I know some spanish and you should have told that lady - RETROCEDE AHRA SENORA - NO VAYAS ALLI! - Translates to GET BACK NOW LADY - (sassy way to say . . .) DONT GO THERE (and then you put out your hand all sassy so that she knows you mean business) You will have to take me with you next time you go shopping in case you get harassed by any more hispanic women ; ) I know a few other things you could tell them but I won't dare write them here for all of your family to read. anypoo - I MISS MY BOYS ALREADY! Love me some Slade babies! : ) (dogs too of course, don't want to offend guinness)