Sunday, July 10, 2011

Out Boat with Aunt Beth

We decided a boat ride with Aunt Beth, her new beay, Mark and his toddler, Claire, was a must!! Here are some funny shots as Beth and I worked our hinnys off to entertain three toddlers!
Beth and Claire...sweet little one. How calm girls are compared to boys!!!

Claire loved the watermelon!!!

And so did Turner....who would not get out of the water even for a big hunk of watermelon!!!

Daddy gets Taylor loving!!!

Seriously, we invited our friends but our water loving boys would not get out of the water and Claire would not get in the water!!!

Whatever the case, the long boat-beach day did the trick. We had three sleeping toddlers right as the boat left Morris Island!!!

Taylor was out cold. Head bobbing. Out cold.

Aunt Beth and Claire say their goodbyes!!!

Since they napped on the boat, I figured we might as well do some grocery shopping during "naptime". T and T love some grocery shopping!!!

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