Monday, June 22, 2009

9 months old

Taylor still loves to sit on your lap, but only if he's tired, sick, is being entertained and has crawled all over you. In this photo, Tay Tay is getting love from Gan after a bottle.

The boys are totally into each other. What Turner is doing, Taylor is admiring. What Taylor is eating, Turner wants. What Turner is playing with, Taylor wants...even if the same toy is right beside him. They look at the other when one is crying or laughing. They have started cooing to each other. These boys LOVE each other!

Did I mention that they love each other?

Learning golf at an early age....

Turner with our beloved Georgia. Georgia is 14 and was Ben's dog. Before I met him, she evidently was a recluse who hid under the house when his friends came over. We just found out that she has liver and lung cancer. We are hoping to give her a good summer by spoiling her until she acts sick, then she'll go to doggie heaven. As you can see, she is so gentle around the boys, even licking their feet at times.

Turner in his jumper!!! He loves it. This is the new hot spot for him.

Top 10 things we want to remember about this age:

1. Turner's smile when he sees the catepillar from Baby Einstein come across the screen.

2. Taylor's laughter when I blow raspberries on his belly.

3. The heads that turn as the vacuum or hairdryer is turned on.

4. Puffs, vanilla wafers, pureed foods, finger foods, but still 5 6-oz. bottles a day!

5. Do you hear the "wonk-wonk"...yep, mommy still is at the pump!

6. Turner's rabbit smile! And his bites....

7. Taylor's hair as it blows in the wind--it is still "buzzing some" but is starting to lay to the right.

8. Turner appears to be right hand dominant and Taylor left? Who knows?

9. Beating everything into the ground and tasting everything!!!

10. Size 3 diapers, 9 month clothes, crawling, furniture walking, giggling, cooing (yes, dada is the hot word of the time! )

Here is Taylor laughing at Turner. We let one pretend to be "getting" the other. They LOVE it!!!

Anything for entertainment---Spoons are the best! Bang, bang, we're off!!!

Sharing and fighting over toys.....The wars have begun. We are trying to teach " no touch". Actually, it is working pretty well. This turtle was mine as a little girl and sure enough, it is their favorite new toy at Boo and Gan. Boo has her own set of toys. Poor thing carries them between Charlotte, Charleston and the beach, depending on which grandkids will be where. Now that is a dedicated g-ma!

Turner and sweet ole G

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