Sunday, January 30, 2011

Nanny Dove visit

Surprise, special surprise!! Thank you to Aunt Martha for bringing Nanny Dove down for a visit!!

Nanny loves watching her Fitz with Taylor Fitzhugh Slade.

Poor Boo got stuck playing on the floor all day with the grandchildren.

Taylor and Boo "rough-housing" while Savannah plays near.

Gan and Aunt Carrie
"weeeeeeeeee" runs Taylor!

Aunt Carrie and John 5... during his third squeezable yogurt. Really? Is that stuff that good?
Gan and John 5 stop to pose for the camera.

Trampoline time!!!

Snack time. Nanny Dove becomes the most popular with the stash of gummies!!!

Bowling with Boo. Pooh Boo. When will the grandchildren realize she is an adult, not their favorite playmate??

Nanny and Taylor share an ice cream sandwich? What I really meant was... we used the ice cream as bribery to get him to sit with nanny. He loves her, saying "bye nanny" when she left, but is too busy to pose with anyone.

Except snuggling with his Gan!!

Serious Turner tuning into the tv despite me blocking it trying to get a photo of he and Boo.
Boo with the grands....

Nanny Dove and her great-grands and of course, her favorite grand-daughters!!!!

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