Friday, January 14, 2011

We are almost back!!!

Dear avid readers,

Thank you for your patience with us. We had misplaced our camera and the cord, thus have been out of the blogging world for a month. I know, a month!!! Those true supporters know that this has been unknown to this mommy since day 1. I have missed it terribly!!! If I can figure how how to download the pictures from my phone, I will post some backdated pictures.

Although, I have no pictures to post, some interesting things that you missed:

1. The almost house fire after one of the boys turned on the back burner on our stove, unknown to us. Until a night terror by Taylor woke mommy. As I walk from our room to the boy's room, I smell a burning smell. No smoke or smoke alarm going off, thankfully! One burned kettle on the stove, one spooked mommy, I went back to bed.

2. Funny sayings: "ah man..." "ah dude"....

3. Sweet sayings: " here you go taylor" ..... " bye bye daddy-o".....

4. Smart sayings: daddy says 1, turner says 2, daddy says 3, taylor says 4.....all the way to 10!

5. Taylor's latest obsession is "moon" and "tars", while Turner continues to know every thomas and friend from his new collection.


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