Sunday, October 12, 2008

First Road Trip

We made it! Our first road trip was full of adventures. We ventured to St. Simon's Island for a brief getaway so the boys could meet their cousins and aunts and uncles on the Slade side. Let it be known, that the weekend was not complete without the Webster we missed the bright eyes of Rush, Havens and Sunny!!

We all woke up at 5 am on Saturday, thinking that would be a better time for the boys to ride in the car. Whoops, did we underestimate how long it would take for us to get them fed, ready and get the car packed. At 7 am, we were fighting with the car seats in Ben's truck and second guessing our decision. After re-loading the gear and boys in the Benz, we finally left at 7:30....yep, 2 1/2 hours to get on the road! The boys did great riding there with only one stop for a brief "snack" at a favorite convenience store outside of Savannah.

We enjoyed a day of meeting the gang....Cousins Anna, Zoe, Kelly, Ella, Jack and Elizabeth anxiously and patiently took turns holding the boys and trying to figure out who was who. Aunts Catherine and Krista and Uncles Scott and Barrett offered much needed advice and an extra set of hands. Granny and Poppy helped feed and entertain the boys so mommy and daddy could rest a little. Saturday night was especially fun as we introduced the boys to some dear friends and neighbors on Meadows Drive...Jamie, Chris and Caitlin Wiles. The boys were able to see Caitlin's awards as she had won "All Around" at a gymnist event that day. Poor Caitlin was "sprayed" by Taylor though...guess we were all glad it was just a spraying not a pooping! We enjoyed our first outing at a "4th of May" restaurant for Sunday brunch...mommy and daddy were hoping we would have slept, but who would miss that excitement! As we were each held, mommy and daddy wolfed down their breakfast in record time. I swear we could win some eating contest now!!

And no, we still have not made it to replace our broken digital camera. We had every intention of heading to Target yesterday, but with the excitement of the Atlanta Falcons winning again, we got distracted!!! I swear the boys's first words will be "GO FALCONS" if daddy has anything to do with it....

1 comment:

Jessi said...

yay! I LOVE the blog! I will be stalking it regularly for updates. The boys are so beautiful, I can't wait to see more pics. And you and Ben are amazing! Love you Cuz!
