Thursday, October 15, 2009

Virus, virus, go away!

So, mommy was dreading Monday for the obvious reasons. Work. Well, mommy now LOVES her daytime job and has new respect for stay at home moms. BIG TIME! I have been a stay at home mom this week and am exhausted. So tired that I am blogging only to keep my clock back on track, hoping to return to my paying job tomorrow.

Turner woke up with a raging fever (over 103 rectal) on Monday, thus I decided to keep both boys out. Why put all the other kids in their class at risk? Poor buddy has had a fever every day since then at some point. He was swabbed for the flu, his ears and lungs are clear, so the pediatrician thinks it is viral. My thought was to go ahead and expose taylor so he would get it at thes ame time and Turner would have entertainment.

WRONG IDEA. Turn slept for hours and mommy entertained Taylor. Man, I could have gotten a lot done with only Turn!!! Actually, I had good bonding one on one with both boys, which is rare, because their nap schedules were different. Here are some photos from the week:

The boys chilling in their cars...we went on many walks!!
Trouble with a CAPITOL T! Notice Taylor holding the spoon. We all shared ice cream last weekend for the boy's first time! Taylor loved it so much that he insisted on taking the spoon with him.
Taylor having lunch, as his brother slept. He kept looking over at the chair and babbling, " where is my bro?"

LUNCHTIME! Their interest in my food is terrible. They are not into their usual foods...hopefully, they will be back into their veggies after this virus leaves! Notice Turner holding his medicine spoon. Poor buddy.

Desperate measures...anything to entertain them. I brought out all sorts of tricks. The swiffer was a huge hit and the feather duster!!!! Well, until Taylor decided to bonk Turner on the head and think it made a good sound. BONK. WAAAAIIII!!!

Typical. We show up at the pediatricians and they decide to nap. NO!!! Let's nap at home so mommy can shower, brush her teeth, pee, normal things a mommy does before being woken up with piercing screams at 5 am!!!

WHY NOT? I figured that I would organize my tupperware cabinet since i had two assistants.
PS- Pants were a thing of the past. When you forget that fiber one muffins might not be the best thing for babies and end of changing way too many diapers ina 15 minute period, pants are not seen as a essential!
Toot-toot. False alarm, that is only a toot. BOOM-BOOM. That is the real thing times 2!

Climbing on the couch---our new love!
** At the time of this blog, the nursery is quiet and Taylor has been virus free/fever free. Surely, he is was going to get it, he would have by now? Pray for good health for our babies and us!!!

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