Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Vacation to CO: Day 5

Day 5 we decided to venture out of Durango. All B and I knew was that Silverton was an hour away and up a mountain. What we must have not gotten out of the memo was that higher altitude means much cooler weather. I mean, sure we saw the websters wearing jeans but they are really skinny, so we thought shorts would suffice for the "bigger people".

We were way, way wrong!! It was like 50 degrees and drizzling. Here we were freezing our tooshes off. Thank goodness we had our jackets and the dog's blanket in the backseat. Here is daddy, Havens and T and T in downtown Silverton.

Close up of the cold Slade boys. Their fuzziness led to the pacifier being drug out for ole Taylor. I really can't blame them. We were cold, cranky and tired from waiting for our lunch table too.

But nothing an ice cream cone will not treat. Dining in at lunch didn't happen for us, as the boys were too fuzzy for any time of sit down place. So, B and I ate the BEST take out nachos on the street corner with the boys. Now that is SC style!!!

Daddy reading Turner a story at naptime. Thanks to sweet ole Rush for giving us her room!!!

Taylor and mommy read books on the floor.

Mommy paused to get another book and noticed that Taylor was out. Like a light. "zzzzzz"

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