Saturday, September 12, 2009

Happy Birthday Poppy and Drew!

Taylor enjoying a snack before we jetted off to Poppy (3) and Drew's (2) birthday party. They are neighbors and friends from Parkton Road. Funny thing....the boys never nap. And today, they decided to nap forever, so we were late for the "Ready, Set, Jump" Party. Taylor took an hour and a half nap. SHOCKER, I know!!!

Daddy and Turner going down the big slide. Turner was just smiling the whole time!!

Gotta love this photo---Taylor was too smiling. Glad all you can see is his blond "fro" standing up like his daddy!!!

Taylor pushing a chair around the soft mat, as Turner plays with a car.

Turner admiring all of the older kids.

Daddy pushing the boys around on the car. Funny thing...Taylor knew exactly what to do. As daddy started pushing them, Taylor grabbed onto the back of his brother and just went with the flow!!!

"The Lunch room" Happy birthday, Poppy and Drew!!!

The Slade boys taking over the room--jump ropes in hands!!! What a great party favor!!

And a balloon!!! Turner loved this balloon so much. It was his new pal (and still is). Pictures to follow. Taylor is more interested in eating the end of the pump rope. After all, "daddy ate most of my pizza and cake".
After Party: 1339 Parkton Road! And the balloon was invited for an overnight....

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