Sunday, February 7, 2010

16 months

Mommy is very BLOG behind. Here are some updates on their 16 month activities, despite the fact that they will be 17 months in a few days. Turner has become quite the cuddle bug. Taylor has always loved to snuggle, but recently Turner has been backing his bottom up to us to sit on our laps. Usually, he is bringing a favorite book to us. He loves for us to read to him.

Watching videos while sitting in our big boy chairs on our favorite. We have graduated from Baby Einstein, although we still love them. Our hottest videos include Elmo and Sesame street!!

Vacuuming is one of the many chores we enjoy doing. Mommy has taught us to put our dirty clothes in the hamper, vaccum the floor, wipe our hands before meals and wipe our trays after meals. We are still working on putting our "all done" cups in the sink. Currently, we like to put all cups in the sink because it is fun to have mommy swoop us up and throw the cups in the sink!

An adorable Taylor trait is that he likes to sit with his legs crossed at the ankles. ALWAYS.

And drag his dustpan up and down the driveway.

Taylor is always the first one to finish eating because he wants to play. He then comes back to his tray, open mouthed (like a bird) for more food. We are trying to not reinforce this habit but putting him back and forth in the highchair is for the birds...

Turner knows that I take the applesauce containers and throw them away (another lesson from mommy). His latest OCD habit is to put all the food that he doesn't want in the container and grunt at me to throw it away. Hey....better than the previous habit which was chunk it all on the floor. We now wave "bye bye" to any food we do not want.

Mealtimes: Taylor is much less picky than Turner. He will usually try most fruit, yogurt, cheese, breads, meats like turkey pepperoni, turkey with honey mustard and chicken/fish nuggets. Taylor loves to drink water and is lukewarm about his milk. Turner loves his milk, cheese, raisins, fruit, turkey pepperoni and meats. He is much pickier...most of the time he shakes his head "no" and moves his food around. Neither are huge veggie guys, so mommy continues to hide pureed veggies in everything. Pumpkin bread with carrots, pancakes with zucchini and pumpkin, cauliflower in pasta, broccoli and spinach in meatloaf, all of the above in pizza crust!! Although, mommy is happy to report that per the boy's teachers, "they are the best eaters in the class". They reported on Friday that both boys had double helpings of the cauliflower and broccoli. Peer pressure, maybe???

Bathtime continues to be our favorite pastime after reading book and making towers out of legos, blocks, and tupperware!

Taylor loves to run around naked!!

Turner loves to transfer his snacks from his snackcup to other things. I swear he is counting them!!!


Language wise, they are communicating great. They have some key words like "uh oh"; "mama" and "dada" and talk often, although it is unintelligible to this speech pathologist! They love to point as they grunt/talk and seem to have their own lnaguage. They are great at following directions and can now bring me things from the other room when asked. They love to wave "hey" and "Bye". They help turn the pages when we read books and look/listen attentively as we read to them. Taylor hums a's real cute. And clapping their hands when they do something good...another mommy favorite! Just the other day, they brought me a dirty cup for the sink. I cheerfully said, " good job, Turner". He then smiled and clapped for himself. Precious boy!!

Here is Turner clapping at Elmo and "class clown", Taylor, standing up in his chair. He knows better, but knows he is about to get my attention. I say "no standing, bottom down" and he'll smile before sitting down. Taylor is always testing the limits.

We love our family!!!

1 comment:

a costa said...

so precious!! i can't believe how big they are getting!! time goes by so so fast!! i'm so glad you found me! and i'm so excited to be able to keep up with you now!! give all of my wonderful roper friends hugs for me!!!