Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Boys will be boys....

We are always looking for "cheap entertainment" for these boys. T and T love to be outside and entertained! They like to make a mess, watch you clean it up, then destroy again. While daddy tried to finish trimming bushes and watering plants and mommy pretended to help (ssshhhhh!), the boys decided to open their own mini pool in our side yard.
Turner turned on the water on as Taylor must have grabbed this old trash can lid. These boys are too smart. We know have to watch what we say and what we do!!

The fun begins....look at Turner's face as he turned it up really high!!!

One foot in..." ahhhhh" says Taylor. Turner smiles.

Three feet in....stomp, stomp comes next!!

You know it! They are fighing over who gets to play with the faucet! (Note the black eye forming on Taylor's left eye--mild fight with the boat trailor. Boat trailor won. Note #2--no tears there, but major meltdown over an old outside faucet.)

1 comment:

Courtney said...

Oh, Liz! This looks like something my boys would love!! Hilarious - we've got to get our little devils together soon!!